on the plus side though, last nights show ruled. each band was sweet and it was well worth the pain i was in from my throat and hip. speaking of that, i wish i would get the results on my xrays so they can figure out what the helllllll is going on. Friday night's show at the Champ was a lot of fun too. The drive out there really sucked though, especially in down pour rain at times, but Marissa did a decent job keeping me entertained by fucking with every person we drove by. haha.
This weeks going to suck because nothing that great is going on. And all I really do during the week is go to class, come home and nap, go to work, come home and go to sleep. I get paid this week though from both jobs, so that's going to be nice considering I only have $4 to my name right now. And my low fuel lights on. I drive around too much and waste too much gas. And I have no idea what's good for this coming up weekend. I don't work and I'll have some money, so hopefully I'll make my way down the city again.
I need to really start focusing on what I am doing in the spring semester. I keep saying that but continue to put it off, and it keeps getting closer and closer. Gotta start getting my priorities straight and really planning things out. i'm just so bad with planning and i am a huge procrastinator. but I know going away to school is something I really want to do, so I'm hoping I'll start focusing on things more. Ughhh.
In 22 days, I leave for Iowa. I'm so pumped. I miss Ashley a lot. It sucks that she's not in jerz anymore and I can't just hop in my car and drive there for the weekend whenever I want. Iowa is alitttttle too far to do that. But October 7th is getting real close, and it's going to be a boooomb week. Being with my best friend, seeing/really meeting cody & cady, going to Minnesota for a girl filled weekend with Ash, Cady & Ma Dukes to go to the mall of America and see tegan and sarah. I'm so pumped. I can't wait to get out there and not want to come home. because i know that's what is going to happen. I might check out some schools while I'm out there. Who knows.
I'm gonna go spend my day drinking tea and sleeping.

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