Every morning when I wake up it is freezing cold in my room, and I love it. I am obsessed with this changing of weather. Time for hoodies, jackets, long sleeves and boots. Fall is the best season ever. I'm so happy.
So far this week has been a decent one. I'm not even minding going to classes much this week/hating my life the entire time I'm there, which is good I suppose. Monday I went to class then met up with Preston and Ryan for some lunch at Taco Bell then went down to the city with them and Ott met up with us. Walked all over, ate at Cosi - Pretty sweeeet time. Yesterday I had class then took care of a couple of things. Eventually chilled with Ryan and watched weird movies till we picked Mikey up. Went to KFC with them then back to mikeys and chilllllled there. Ott came over and we just maxed out and watched scary movies. Then i came home and passssed out. ANDDD todayyy i had class and tonights NFG/FYS/ADTR at croc rock. should be a pretttty sick show.
I'm stoked for the weekend. Except I sort of dread weekends now too, because I during the weekends I have no classes to worry about or anything, and its just basically 3 days to kick it and do nooothin' but it only lasts till Sunday then when Monday rolls around I dont want to do shit that I have to do. BLOWS.
I leave for Iowa in less than 2 weeeeks.
And when I get back Marissa & I are going up to Boston at some point. yeeeahh.
I should clean my room and go to the gym.
I'm jealous that you're going to boston! I've been wanting to go there since forever. lol. have fun :)
dude my room is always freezing when i wake up. it's awesome until i have to get out from under my 54654480 blankets.
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